Contatos Institucionais

Deborah Chaussê
(83) 2108-7238
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Corregedoria - Processo Ético
Nayane Tavares
(83) 2108-7241 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Corregedoria - Sindicância
Nayane Tavares
(83) 2108-7241
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Viviane Andreza
(83) 2108-7204
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Carolina Araújo
(83) 2108-7227
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Rodrigo Farias
(83) 2108-7200
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Pessoa Jurídica
Viviane Andreza
(83) 2108-7204
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Processo Consulta
Nayanne Tavares
(83) 2108-7241
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Secretaria / Pessoa Física
Fabiana Ribeiro
(83) 2108-7200
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Secretaria da Presidência
Márcia Kelly
(83) 2108-7212
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Desterro Gomes
(83) 2108-7202
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Valéria França
(83) 2108-7205
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Nesta seção são divulgadas informações sobre contatos dos responsáveis pelos setores do CRMPB